Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting MADMATH.

We take the privacy of our users very seriously and are committed to protecting it through this privacy policy. This policy describes how we collect, use and share personal information from users who visit our website. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to, names, email addresses, telephone numbers, and any other information that a user voluntarily provides to us.

This policy describes how we collect, use and share the personal information of users who visit our website. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to, names, email addresses, telephone numbers, and any other information that a user voluntarily provides to us.

What information do we collect?

We collect personally identifiable information when you voluntarily provide it to us, such as when filling out forms, signing up for our newsletter, participating in surveys, or otherwise interacting with our site.

This information may be provided voluntarily by the user when registering on the site, subscribing to newsletters, participating in surveys or filling out forms. Or automatically through industry standard technologies, such as cookies and server logs, to improve the user experience and understand how our site is used.

How do we use this information?

The personal information collected is used for the following purposes:

  • Personalize the user experience and respond to their individual needs.
  • Improve our website through the feedback we receive from users.
  • Administer a contest, promotion, survey, or other site feature
  • Send periodic emails regarding site updates, products and services.

What are your privacy rights?

By using our website, the user accepts our privacy policy and terms of use.

Usted tiene derecho a acceder, corregir, actualizar o eliminar su información personal en cualquier momento.
También puede optar por no recibir comunicaciones de marketing directo..

No vendemos, comerciamos ni transferimos de ninguna manera su información personal a terceros, excepto cuando sea necesario para cumplir con la ley o proteger nuestros derechos, propiedad o seguridad.

How do we keep this information secure?

At MadMath, we are committed to maintaining the security of personal information and data of our clients and creative projects. To achieve this, we implement appropriate technical, administrative and physical measures to protect information against unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Our security practices include, but are not limited to:

  • Restricted access: We limit access to information only to authorized employees and contractors who need to know such information to carry out their job responsibilities.
  • Data Protection: We use advanced computer security measures, such as data encryption, to protect the confidentiality of personal information while it is being transmitted and stored.
  • Monitoring and auditing: We regularly monitor our systems to detect and mitigate potential vulnerabilities and threats to information security.

Changes to the privacy policy

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. We recommend that you periodically review this page to be informed of any changes. Your continued use of our website after the posting of changes will constitute your acceptance of those changes.